



各地区学校的执行主任担任主要的实施战略家. They will use their expertise to partner with and empower school leaders in analyzing their schools’ needs. This team will play a crucial part in building and sustaining relationships with our families, 社区合作伙伴, 和利益相关者. 

学校的地区执行董事是 克里斯·卡特 (Southwest), Dr. 劳拉·戴维斯·布朗 (西北)卡特里娜·亨特 (Southeast), Dr. 迈克·麦卡锡 (Northeast), Dr. 詹姆斯·默瑟 (Central)





  • Alki
  • 杆高度
  • 和谐国际
  • 费尔蒙特公园
  • Gatewood
  • 杰纳西山
  • 高地公园
  • Lafayette
  • Roxhill
  • Sanislo
  • 西西雅图


  • Boren STEM
  • Pathfinder


  • 丹尼国际
  • Madison


  • Chief Sealth International
  • 技术中心
  • 西西雅图

在过去的三年里担任学校主任, 克里斯托弗·卡特为我们东南部的学校提供了领导和支持, southwest, 中部地区.


卡特最初在加州长滩当小学教师.在返回西雅图的家中之前. 他于1997年加入正规买足球的App,担任中学教师, 房屋管理员, 和校长. 2018年,卡特获得托马斯B级. 年度寄养校长奖, 哪个奖项表彰学生在实现公平驱动成果方面的领导力.  

卡特的领导能力也延伸到了正规买足球的App之外. He served as an assistant principal at Highline Public School and as a K-12 regional school director in Federal Way Public Schools. 卡特还在全球城市教育网络担任领导工作, which focused on learning from high performing educational systems around the world to identify and apply what great systems do in support of professional learning and its impact on student achievement. 

作为教育领导者, Carter believes our principals are the most important leaders in our system and believes strongly in the spirit and power of collaboration. 

Carter holds a master’s degree in education from the University of Washington 和校长 certification from Western Washington University. 

西雅图西北部:博士. 劳拉Davis-Brown

Dr. 劳拉Davis-Brown

Dr. 劳拉·戴维斯-布朗微笑着拍照
Dr. 劳拉·戴维斯·布朗,学校地区执行主任


  • Adams
  • Bagley
  • BF Day
  • Cascadia
  • Greenwood
  • 约翰斯坦福国际
  • 忠诚的高度
  • 麦当劳国际
  • North Beach
  • 詹姆斯·鲍德温(原北门小学)
  • 西方国家森林
  • Whittier
  • Viewlands


  • Broadview-Thomson
  • Licton弹簧
  • Salmon Bay


  • Eagle Staff
  • 汉密尔顿国际
  • Whitman


  • Ballard
  • 中心学校
  • Ingraham
  • Lincoln
  • 中央大学

Dr. 劳拉·戴维斯·布朗 has been in education for more than 30 years and is passionate about serving and supporting the needs of students, families, 和教育工作者.  

在她多年的经验中. Davis Brown has been fortunate to work in various roles which focus on the equity and achievement of students furthest from educational justice. 她曾担任股权董事的各种职务, PreK-12管理员, counselor, 社会工作者, 家庭倡导者.   

She is committed to building and supporting our district and district leaders collaboratively to implement changes that will empower the lives of our students, 他们的家庭, 我们的社区. 

Dr. Davis Brown is confident and excited about the opportunity to utilize her professional career experiences, training, and personal qualities to support the 正规买足球的App vision in the role of regional executive director of schools.   

Dr. Davis Brown believes improving the opportunities of students to become academically, socially, 情感上的成功是教育的基石. 她很忠诚,也很感激能有机会服务. 





  • 比肯山国际
  • 迪尔伯恩公园国际
  • Dunlap
  • Emerson
  • 格雷厄姆·希尔
  • Hawthorne
  • MLK, Jr.
  • Maple
  • 雷尼尔山的观点
  • Rising Star
  • Wing Luke


  • Orca K-8
  • South Shore


  • Aki Kurose
  • 美世国际


  • Cleveland
  • Interagency
  • 雷尼尔山海滩
  • Sugiyama

作为正规买足球的App的产物卡特里娜·亨特 has a deep personal connection to 该地区 and a profound understanding of its unique needs and challenges.

This firsthand experience has shaped her passion for educational leadership and commitment to ensuring every student has access to a high-quality education. 

Hunt’s educational philosophy centers around the belief that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, 和刺激的氛围中成长和茁壮成长的情感, 智力, physically, 和社会. 

有14年的教育经验, Hunt has had the privilege of growing and working in schools like Aki Kurose 中学, 加菲尔德高中, 最近, 华盛顿中学, 她目前在哪里担任校长. 

在她的职业生涯中, Hunt has focused on eliminating opportunity gaps and creating inclusive learning environments. She firmly believes in collaborative leadership and has successfully built strong partnerships between schools, 该地区, 和社区. She has been able to drive positive change in every organization she has been a part of by fostering effective relationships. 

亨特毕业于英格拉姆高中. 她拥有社会学学士学位, master’s degrees in education and business administration from the University of Washington and is currently in a doctoral program at Hampton University. 

西雅图东北部:博士. 迈克·麦卡锡 

Dr. 迈克·麦卡锡

Dr. 迈克·麦卡锡微笑着拍照
Dr. 迈克·麦卡锡,学校区域执行主任


  • Bryant
  • Cedar Park
  • Decatur
  • Green Lake
  • John Rogers
  • Laurelhurst
  • 奥林匹克山
  • 奥运会的看法
  • Sacajawea
  • Sand Point
  • 桑顿溪
  • View Ridge
  • Wedgwood


  • 层叠父母合伙
  • Hazel Wolf
  • TOPS


  • Eckstein
  • Jane Addams


  • Nathan Hale
  • Roosevelt

Dr. McCarthy is pleased to have taught and learned alongside schools and their incredible leaders in the northeast, central and 西西雅图 regions of 正规买足球的App as a director of schools. 

Dr. McCarthy began his career in education as a dually certified math and English teacher in middle and high schools in the Kent School District. 他曾担任过小学和中学校长, earning OSPI School of Distinction honors for growth in mathematics as a Title I school elementary principal in the Kent School District. He was also recognized for high growth in English language arts and mathematics while working to eliminate racial disparities as a middle school principal in the Federal Way School District.

Holding high expectations and providing high support for equity-centered instructional improvement has been the focus of his work with principals.     

不为SPS工作时,Dr. 麦卡锡是美国海军陆战队的首席指导员.S. Army’s Command and General Staff Officer Course in Honolulu after spending the last 25 years as a member of the U.S. 陆军国民警卫队和陆军预备队.   

Dr. McCarthy received his master’s degree from the University of Washington’s Danforth program in 2011. He earned his doctorate in educational leadership and policy and his superintendent certification from the University of Washington in 2021. 

西雅图中部:博士. 詹姆斯·默瑟

Dr. 詹姆斯·默瑟

Dr. 詹姆斯·默瑟微笑着拍照
Dr. 詹姆斯·默瑟,学校区域执行主任


  • 贝利Gatzert
  • Coe
  • John Hay
  • John Muir
  • Kimball
  • Lawton
  • Leschi
  • Lowell
  • Madrona
  • Magnolia
  • McGilvra
  • Montlake
  • Queen Anne
  • Stevens
  • 瑟古德·马歇尔


  • Blaine


  • McClure
  • Meany
  • Washington


  • Franklin
  • Garfield
  • Nova
  • 西雅图世界学校

Dr. 詹姆斯·默瑟是儿童权益的捍卫者. He brings over 24 years of experience working with kids from underserved communities into his role as the regional executive director of schools.  

He has worked as an educator in four different states with drastically different standards for students, teachers, and leaders. These differences proved to be the catalyst that encouraged him to enter the path of educational leadership.  

Dr. 默瑟曾担任小学和中学教师, 中学副校长和校长, 和一个中央办公室管理员. 另外, he is a skilled facilitator who has worked with hundreds of administrators across the nation to improve their instructional leadership practices. 

Dr. Mercer earned his bachelor’s degree in elementary and early childhood education from the University of Toledo. He earned his master’s degree in educational leadership from Georgia State University and his doctorate in education leadership from Harvard University.